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Timeshare - The Tour

A quick overview to get you started to all the types and variations


"Timeshare, what's it all about?"

Saving money and getting great holidays!


Saving money by choosing wisely

Generally timeshares reduce the high cost of rental and have a management fee that reflects only the cost of servicing and maintaining the resort. So by owning the right timeshare you save dramatically over the cost of renting a standard holiday and timeshares have an assured quality threshold, so you are guaranteed a level of luxury depending on what you have bought.


A quick example is owning Viva which costs £4995 for 4 weeks a year but gets you a 2 bedroom apartment for £255, instead of the rental costs of up to £1000 and more. Every time you go on holiday you save money and you still have an asset worth something at the end of it. More specifically we have an owner who stayed in the Devoncourt Hotel this bank holiday August week in a 2 bathroom apartment with sea views where the hotel rate is £890 for the week and they paid £160 for the whole apartment as a bonus week (with Viva).


Buying the wrong timeshare can mean you end up with the exact opposite. For example by a cheap week in a lower week in say Tenerife, week 50 for example, with a management fee of £375.


That's because week 50 is a very low demand time of year for holidays and you could just rent the week for the same or less, as there is spare capacity, and so negates a reason to pay for the privilege, and then pay on top to swap it, making the same holiday dearer, rather than the goal, to save money.


Worse it is likely to be a poor trader when requesting another location, leaving you frustrated as well as out of pocket. Just ask us and we can help guide you.

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