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Here’s how you do it. 

Advertise FREE   ¦   Advertising Services, including phone and mail support, after sales

Go to  make yourself a password and logon. This site has only just gone live and replaces our old “mark up commission system” at  which is being phased out.

Then place the adverts as you wish in as many locations as you want. You can then re login in the future and adjust at your leisure. You can only choose 3 locations per advert. If you want more locations use the back button to save having to enter the information all over again and then choose new advert placement locations.  

You deal direct with all buyers and save £££’s. This service is free right now so hurry and get your login! 

  • Your advert is completely automated and instantly appears online in seconds as you wish

  • You can place up to 100 words of text

  • Tick the boxes for amenities, awards etc as you wish to display – gold crown, pool, air con etc

  • Ad up to 3 pictures ( you ad one the first time and go back in to ad up to 2 more)

  • Everything is free and automated

  • It hides your e-mail and they can mail you whilst you remain hidden

  • Display only your details you want buyers to see

  • Deal direct and sell fast, save money and you are in control

  • Optional £49 assistance service, we’ll do the ad work and give ongoing valuation and sales assistance so you can sell it and transfer it yourself safely. However you can do it yourself free of course. More info on sales assistance

Full classified services starting from just £5 if you want assistance

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Viva Timeshare

Over 2000 resorts Worldwide and no exchange fees


ATR Resales

Free Guides, free resales listing service, rentals and more.


Timeshare For Resale

The FREE Timeshare Classifieds website, buying or selling we should be your first call as its buyer to seller direct.



Unlimited use and no restrictions in any size of apartment. Trade ins welcome. UK. London based company


RCI Compass Club

40 resorts with no exchange fees or use RCI to see the other 2500 resorts!


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Dynamic live system with over 380,000 live weeks including international famous brands, book weeks from just £99