

Types of Timeshare


Choosing a timeshare that suites you is very important. Just as you wouldn’t buy a truck and expect it to behave like a luxury saloon, you shouldn’t do the same with your future holidays. Buying the right one for you is a personal choice but you should tailor it to your needs and not a salesman’s.
That’s why ATR International offers a complete range of all types and styles of timeshare to suite all tastes and budgets. What do you want from your ownership?

Firstly decide on what your main motivation on the timeshare is.

Will you be choosing a particular timeshare to go there year on year at the same date? Many people do and usually choose the more high end or specialist timeshares. Alternatively do you want to buy the very best exchange vehicle to see the World?

Which is the best type to own , what type of resort or size of unit, fixed time or floating time, Club or Resort, what are all the quality ratings?

Buying for exchange – see the two types of RCI systems

RCI Points system. A fluid amount you can “spend” on holidays each year without restrictions. RCI Weeks system. A rigid week for week system based on like for like trades.
Owning a multi destination club (MDC) with free exchange internally or externally as above with RCI.

Using year on year at the same location

If you are looking to use the same timeshare year on year then chances are you are well on the way to choosing the location if not the resort.

Run through our buying checklist and create your own list of criteria listed in importance to yourself. Look for overall value for money, tied in with reasonable management fees with a stable track record and no owner complaints at a resort held in trust by the major trustees.

Ask if you are unsure how to do your own checks by calling ATR International on 01444473800 or .

Buying for exchange to see the World


Buying to get the maximum benefits of timeshare exchange to make use of the RCI exchange organisation facility to visit different resorts and countries each year.


There are in excess of 3,600 RCI affiliated resorts world wide to choose from. To get the best possible choices on exchange you need to choose the type of ownership that will work best with your future holiday plans.


Depending on those plans some timeshares perform better than others in their various sectors.

Weeks or Points?

There are benefits in both systems of exchange. Weeks is a like for like exchange based on the award (annual) rating of your ownership and the specific time of year you own, along with the size of unit.


Both choices are backed up by RCI Travel who can book flights, airport transfers, car hire, ferries, cruises and much more.

Points gives a much more specific value to your timeshare week depending on the size of unit, the week number, the privacy factor, number of bathrooms and kitchen size, along with award rating of the resort and, unique to the points system, the key rating of your specific unit within that resort.

You can then choose to spend your value on a lot of low season weeks or perhaps one large week in peak, depending on the value of points you own. Points can be from a timeshare week or directly as pure points with RCI  with no timeshare week.


Call us on 01444473800


Sales through trustees

Send mail to  info@atresorts.co.uk to buy or request further information.

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