RCI Weeks


RCI Weeks System


RCI Weeks is the familiar tried and trusted style of ownership and has been around for over 25 years. Within the system there are fixed weeks and floating weeks. Fixed weeks are a specific week number whereas floating time is usually High medium or low time banded weeks within a specific unit size. Membership to RCI Weeks is around £65 a year with exchanges per week at £88 in Europe or £119 Worldwide. Bonus weeks (spare capacity when available) can be from £82 - £250 a week, usually in lower demand times and locations.


Choose a fixed week of timeshare in a specific week and you know what trading power you have or if you want to convert to RCI Points. Choose floating time if you want flexibility within a club that has an internal exchange prior to the option of RCI Weeks exchange, such as Compass Club or Atlas Club above. Avoid MDC’s that don’t specify exactly how and what they supply your week for RCI exchange.


The weeks system generally works on exchanging like for like within a set of rules.


The variable. Banking (Spacebanking) your weeks with RCI Weeks as far as possible into the future caps at which level your unit is valued, so early banking increases trading power, no matter what is owned (see Compass above). When you bank your timeshare the RCI computer allocates your week a specific value which is added to the like for like value of the week and is set according to the specific date of banking set against the date of your week (Month, 2003, 2004 etc)


The fixed odds. These are the like for like, location and quality factors which of course determine demand. The size of unit, the season or week you own, the quality level and award rating of the resort. In RCI blue time is low season and gets a very low rating, white time, which is medium time, gets a modest to low evaluation and red time which is high demand gets the maximum value. We only recommend red time if you are going to use RCI or other exchange methods. Compass Club, which has over 3000 members only has red time at its resorts.


Large units (sleeping 6 people) scores highest, smaller apartments score correspondingly lower - a studio has a very poor score and is nowadays considered old fashioned. Size of accommodation generally the bigger the better.


Demand How much other people want your resort or the area it is in by demand.

Owning a timeshare in the highest demand resorts of the World gives you a very substantial advantage over other areas of lower demand. This should be your main consideration when choosing you timeshare if you want the maximum exchange trading power. Of course the RCI computer is dynamic and knows by requests which resorts have the greatest demands and in which weeks and units and can re evaluate on an ongoing basis.


Generally peak is considered to be summer weeks, 25 to 35 or weeks 51 and 52 in the sunnier locations or Easter and other public holidays and these weeks trade more powerfully than say red time in March.


Ask us the RCI points value of what you are looking at purchasing as it will tell you exactly its trading power with RCI – no more guesswork before you buy! This can be of benefit to those buying a fixed week with the view to going into points at a future date.


As an example of values, a week in the 5 key rated Gold Crown Grangefield Oasis in Spain during School holidays is 79,000 points in value terms whereas the same week in the Cherry Orchard in the UK would be just 47,500 or 68,000 for the magnificent Johannsen’s recommended Kenwick Woods with its pro golf course and stunning Leisure Centre. So it’s the demand for the resort that counts too, not just the location.


Europe can get two weeks when exchanging into the US, Canada, South Africa or India in non peak times. Basically regions with a strong demand for exchange and insufficient space to satisfy it score by far highest so it makes more sense to own in Europe rather than in the US or South Africa for instance.


Don’t be late! What determines what RCI say is available TO YOU comes from the demand for the week that you own in relation to the demand for the week you want to exchange into – its obvious, the greater the demand for the week you own, the better your choice. The value of your week is directly linked to when you “banked” it with the exchange organisation. So don’t bank late or you will be with the majority of owners who only bank 3 months or so ahead. Someone with a late banked week will not be offered the wide choice given to someone with an identical week who had the foresight to bank early and outsmart the competition.


All high seasons are equal but some are more equal than others!

If you have a 3 bed it is more powerful than a two bed and if you own August it trades into August, but if you have March red time it would have a challenge getting you into June on a like for like banked week scenario.


Everyone needs Quality time! Our advice is choose the best quality at the greatest demanded resorts and then ALSO bank your weeks early to improve your choices over other owners of similar ownerships. Choose high summer weeks (25 – 35) if you wish to holiday in them as they generally carry greater weight. RCI Points values can be a good indication of trading power.


Modesty. Many of our owners have outflanked other ownerships by simply banking their weeks early. Compass Club pre banks its weeks (all high season) up to 2 years ahead and this is acknowledged by RCI as giving their owners a greater trading power in the RCI Weeks system.


How do RCI rate their Affiliate Resorts?


RCI analyse resorts, not just for resort quality but to reflect the likely overall holiday experience. Apart from resort location and quality, there are the opinions of the RCI members who have exchanged into the resort. This information is collated along with exchange holidaymakers returning comment cards out of a maximum scoring of 5. They evaluate…..


1.       Check in - check out service

2.       Resort Hospitality

3.       Resort amenities

4.       Resort activities

5.       Unit quality

6.       Unit maintenance

7.       Unit housekeeping

8.       Overall holiday experience

9.       Weather


And what do you get?
  • A week in a resort somewhere else in the world - or your own resort at a different time of the year.

  • Confidence that the visited resort will be of a similar or better standard to your own resort

  • Exchange companies claim better than 85% success rate in satisfying their member's requests.

  • Great holidays!



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