RCI Owners


RCI Points for Existing Timeshare Owners

It's so simple
If you are an existing timeshare owner you can cede your week/s to the RCI Points system for a value allocated by RCI to your particular ownership. Its a very simple process using RCI's own paperwork and is done by post.
You can add extra points to boost this value to the level you wish to own. Call 01444473800 or e-mail ATR for details, costs and current special offers.
Comprehensive information available online if you request the guide and join our mailing list. We run a best price policy and will normally beat any quantifiable quote.
Ceding is rather like a form of permanent spacebanking with a value returned instead of weeks. Every year at the time of year you joined you get another issue of points.
You retain the ownership of the timeshare and carry on paying the maintenance and have all your voting and other rights of ownership just as before.
Any points purchased over and above your timeshare ownership are called pure points. Pure points maintenance is paid to RCI on a sliding scale related to how many points you have in total, reducing the more you own.
Should you wish to withdraw your weeks from the RCI points system in the future you can provided you give a years notice. Then you are free to use them every year or resell them as you wish.
Mail us, use the reply form or call us  for a valuation of your weeks. Please include your RCI membership number if you wish to speed up our reply.


Call us on 01444473800


Sales through trustees

Send mail to  info@atresorts.co.uk to buy or request further information.

Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 All our pictures no matter where placed are sole rights reserved, text, guides, contents and layouts. ATR - Access Trade Resales


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