Thank You!

-----Original Message-----

From: []

Sent: 14 November 2004 14:15


Subject: Confirmation - Purchase of VideoStudio 8


Please save this email and print a copy for safe-keeping as confirmation that you have purchased Ulead VideoStudio 8.


                        Net sales amount            $99.95 

                        Sales tax                       $17.49 

                        Gross selling price         $117.44



            License holder: Robin Green

            Purchase Reference: 1-18AED4C2364


Serial 811A2-88000-24652975



Details for product delivery of Ulead VideoStudio 8



Please see below for the download links that will give you additional content to compliment your purchase of Ulead VideoStudio 8.


If you paid for a disk during the purchase process then you will receive a copy of Ulead VideoStudio 8 as well as the additional content mentioned above. If your disk does not arrive in the next 8 days please contact


Having purchased this software title through Softwrap Limited you are free to use it on your PC only; however you may also transfer your license free of charge once to your laptop or any other machine. This can be done by re-installing the software title on your new machine, running it, selecting "Reinstall" and entering your License Holder name and Reference number details as provided above.


In the event you no longer have these details please email with your full name, approximate date of purchase, first and last 4 digits of the credit card number you used to effect the purchase as well as the name of the software title you are wishing to re-install.


For internet re-installations an internet connection will be required. 


In the event that you require any assistance activating / licensing your software please contact the Softwrap support centre via email at


Additional content for Video Studio 8


It is recommended by Ulead that you download the additional content for Video Studio 8 to ensure maximum enjoyment from the software you have purchased.



In order to install the extra components, please do the following:


1. Double click on the downloaded file, which will start the install process. Please ensure that ULEAD VideoStudio 8 is closed before attempting this install.


2. Once the install is complete, the new component will be included in ULEAD Video Studio 8 - no other action is required.


Please note these components will only work in conjunction with ULEAD Video Studio 8,

centre via email at


Additional content for Video Studio 8


It is recommended by Ulead that you download the additional content for Video Studio 8 to ensure maximum enjoyment from the software you have purchased.



In order to install the extra components, please do the following:


1. Double click on the downloaded file, which will start the install process. Please ensure that ULEAD VideoStudio 8 is closed before attempting this install.


2. Once the install is complete, the new component will be included in ULEAD Video Studio 8 - no other action is required.


Please note these components will only work in conjunction with ULEAD Video Studio 8,


1. Download the VideoStudio 8 Content Library at:


2. Download the VideoStudio 8 Style Pack at:


3. Download the VideoStudio 8 Audio Library at


4. Download the VideoStudio 8 Video Library at:


5. Download the VideoStudio 8 Sample Projects at:


6. Download the VideoStudio 8 Smart Sound Clips at


7. Download the VideoStudio 8 User Manual at


8. Download the VideoStudio 8 Extra Content CD includes Ulead COOL3DSE and Video Tutorials at:


Kind Regards

Softwrap Limited